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Lets talk about it

Normalizing The Disussion Of Mental Health

Let’s Talk About It: Normalizing the Discussion of Mental Health is a service initiative that aims to remove the stigma around mental health by simply talking about it. When choosing her community service initiative, Natalie knew mental health advocacy was the perfect choice. Her work with increasing mental health awareness is something that is imbedded in everything she does on a daily basis. From living with 2 diagnosed mental illnesses, volunteering and partnering with nonprofit mental health organizations, to working for a mental health company out of St Paul, MN! Mental health advocacy is in everything Natalie does.

She saw a need for change when she sought treatment for her own mental health back in 2018 and was told by a friend to “not talk about it“ when she finished treatment. It implied that her journey with a mental illness was a topic that was better left unspoken; only furthering the stigma already around mental health. This is the moment that Natalie knew something needed to change and that she wanted to be a part of the solution.

Natalie focuses on starting conversations surrounding mental health in numerous ways. She utilizes legislation, education, and by partnering with nonprofit organizations. Through social media she’s reached individuals across the globe with her Your Story Matters series and educates others on the importance of taking care of their mental health. The momentum she has created is just the beginning. Join her on her journey to removing the stigma around mental health 1 conversation at a time.

She’s ready to talk about it. Are you?


Natalie has taken her mental health advocacy to the next level by taking it with her to Capitol Hill. Not only does she sit on the NAMI Minnesota Legislative Committee, but she also works alongside Minnesota state legislators to make a difference that will impact the mental health community across our state. From addressing issues such as access to care, shortages of mental health workforce professionals, lack of mental health providers, mental health services for those who are incarcerated and initiating legislation herself, she’s having the tough conversations that are needed to address the mental health crisis


A saying you will likely hear from mental health advocates say is “Mental health is just as important as physical health!” Although this is true, unfortunately the curriculum in our schools don’t require mental health education to be provided the way physical education is. Natalie decided to change that. While she works tirelessly to change this on a legislative level, she’s ensuring mental health is being talked about in every county in Minnesota (87 to be exact)! She created her Let's Talk About It School Tour where she's starting the conversation of mental health in schools across our state. Be on the lookout for her in your county!



Partnering with nonprofit organizations that share the same mission allow us to increase visibility for what we are passionate about. Natalie has curated both state and national partnerships where she is able to amplify the voices of mental health organizations to continue spreading awareness and educating others on mental health. She is so grateful to those who have welcomed her with open arms and continue to support her journey as an advocate and Miss Minnesota 2024 delegate.

You Are Worthy. You Are Seen. You Matter.

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